We invite you to share your images and videos in this library. We are accumulating images of all cell types from all organisms, including intracellular structures and movies or animations demonstrating functions. This ambitious project obviously is multiyear and relies upon the cell biology community to populate the library. The Cell Image Library™ aims to be as useful to the researcher and the public as are the sequence databases for nucleic acids and proteins. Raw data as well as data with limited processing will be the most valuable.
Please join us in this effort by allowing us to include your image collections and videos in this open access library, and by sharing your raw data.
If you wish to submit images please e-mail Willy Wong at wawong@ucsd.edu for assistance.
To be searchable, each image will be entered into the library database with specific information that allows its identification during a user’s search. To aid in the annotation process, we ask that you supply us with as much information as you can about your images, including:
Please include your contact information to allow the annotators to get in touch with you if they have any further questions about the image. This contact information will not be made public.
Please visit our Licensing Page for more information on submitting both published and unpublished images.
Please use the Cite button next to the CIL:.